Saturday, March 12, 2011

Los Angeles Art Museum

Los Angeles Museum of Art

 Going to the Museum of Art in Los Angeles was fun. It was a lot bigger than the Norton Simon and had a lot of very different things to look at. I first had to find the place. I was convinced I had passed it when I saw it. A huge building next to the tar pits! I had always wanted to go to the tar pits and this museum trip allowed me to see it. I couldn’t really find that many things that indentified me, but I found some alright things and took a picture of them.
     The first building I went in had a Korean exhibit. I couldn’t really find anything that related to me or that I really liked enough to take a picture. I had to conserve my camera because my batteries were low. I had an extra pair in the front pocket of my camera, but their energy was drained. I didn’t buy any because they didn’t sell them at the museum and when going there, I believed the batteries were full. However, I found a Buddha gold sculpture thing and I took a picture with it because it was the only thing I saw that was pretty cool. This one was of Western Paradise and his hand gesture indicates that wisdom and salvation are accessible to anyone and I believe that is true, but it depends on that person to do it. Here is the picture.  

     The second exhibit I saw was Japanese exhibit. I saw a couple things I liked, but I only took a picture of this Japanese samurai suit. I looked cool and I made me think of a warrior spirit. Not giving up and striving to be the best one possibly can. That’s what I was thinking when I was looking at it and it was cool to be able to see in person. The picture is a little blurry, but the suit is awesome.

This photo was pretty cool. I believe it was about working hard. There are a bunch of gears going around and that signifies constant work and always working towards something.

     This other photo was taken from the arts of the Pacific. Nothing had explanations or who did it so many things were confusing. I didn’t find anything good so I took a picture of this item that looks like a wok because I like to cook.

     In another exhibit there were a bunch of just random things. There were basketballs in water. There were vacuums under lights, and just random stuff. I took a picture of this big blue dog because I like dogs and couldn’t find anything that I really liked.

     The last two exhibits I was going to go in were closed an I wasn’t able to go in so I couldn’t get a picture of anything, but I took a couple pictures outside and that was it. I enjoyed my time at the museum and was really tired when it was time to go. I got to see some interesting things and the La Brea Tar Pits. The day went over well and was a fun trip. However, if I had to choose which museum I liked better, I would choose the Norton Simon. It had a lot more things that I really liked and was smaller so I wasn’t as tired at the end of the day, but I enjoyed my time at the Los Angeles Museum of Art.

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